Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I have my child undergo a neuropsychological evaluation?

A neuropsychological evaluation can be helpful in clarifying the nature of your child’s cognitive strengths and weaknesses in light of observed and reported difficulties your child may be having in school or at home. It can be instrumental in identifying pervasive developmental delays (PDD) and autism spectrum disorders, language and visual processing deficits, learning difficulties and emotional challenges particularly when such clarification is not provided by other professionals.

Results of a neuropsychological evaluation can provide insight into your child’s cognitive strengths and weaknesses and will inform treatment and intervention. The purpose of a neuropsychological evaluation is ultimately to identify the nature of strengths and weaknesses and to help your child develop tools with which deficits can be remediated.

When should I seek a neuropsychological evaluation?

  • Persistent difficulties are reported by your child’s teachers,
  • When your child is struggling in school despite school-based and/or home-based support.
  • Your child appears to struggle with retaining information and requires frequent redirection
  • Your child has a history neurological or developmental delay
  • Your child has suffered a brain injury or illness that impacts his/her cognitive development
  • Your child may be gifted

What is involved in having my child tested?

  • A neuropsychological evaluation consists of a consultation with parents as an initial appointment.
  • Your child may then be tested over the course of four or five two-hour sessions. Tests include a series of interactive activities that assess language and perceptual processing abilities, attention and memory, school based learning, emotional functioning and behavior. Breaks will be taken when necessary. Informal feedback will be provided at the end of each session.
  • Observation of your child in his/her classroom may be included as part of the evaluation
  • Parents will meet with the evaluator to discuss and review the results
  • Your child has suffered a brain injury or illness that impacts his/her cognitive development
  • A comprehensive written report will be provided to the parents upon completion of the testing

How much does a neuropsychological evaluation cost and does my insurance cover the testing?

Dr. Gilbert does not accept insurance directly but will assist in facilitating patient reimbursement for the testing. Many health insurance companies will reimburse partially for a neuropsychological evaluation and patients are encouraged to submit their bills to their carriers. A flat fee for each evaluation is presented at the outset and payment is expected at the time of service.